Cleaning a stove top is a task that is often ignored or put off for a later day. Not only is it a hassle, it can also be tiring from all that scrubbing. Cleanz has found some helpful ways to make this dreadful task a little easier.

Using a degreaser of your choice, liberally spray enough to cover the entire surface. Don’t forget to remove the burner knobs, caps, and grates. It will make the next step much easier. Please do not put them in your dishwasher. It will ruin them. Now use a soft sponge to scrub and evenly disperse the product. We recommend a scrub daddy or dish sponge for this step. Let this sit for 5-10 minutes. While this is sitting, put your caps and knobs in your sink. If your sink is big enough, you can also add your grates.

Next, fill your sink with the hottest water possible, just to cover. To that add 1 cup of super washing soda. Swish everything around to dissolve. Let those sit for 30-60 minutes. Rinse your sponge and go back to your stove top to scrub again. Then use a microfiber towel or paper towels to wipe clean. If you still have any burnt-on food or grease, use a pumice stone to scrub away anything left over. Remember to wet your pumice stone before you use it! It is only scratch resistant if its wet. Then go back again with your towel to wipe clean.

This next step is optional, but it will make your stovetop sparkle and shine! Spray the entire surface with a quality glass cleaner. We recommend Sprayway. Use a clean microfiber towel to polish and reveal a satisfying clean stovetop.

After your knob and caps have soaked for the recommended amount of time, go back with a wet pumice stone to scrub any leftover residue. Rinse with warm water and put back on into their proper place.